Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My Artistic Endeavors Thus Far

I am still figuring out who I am as an artist and designer. I still have that goal in mind, that dream job of working for Disney Animation or Pixar Animation Studios. But from my education at Stout I have a much broader set of ideas of fields I would also enjoy doing such as interiors, web design, web content management, advertisement, and interface design.

I enjoy organic forms mixed in with industrial forms or more generally I like contrasting elements in design, it makes it more interesting to viewers and that is exactly how film and animation is produced. You either have a familiar or ordinary character experience something extraordinary or you have an extraordinary character that has familiar experiences. Hopefully these artifacts will give you a better idea of who I am as a person/artist.

About Me

Hello, I grew up in the growing town of River Falls, Wisconsin and commute from there every day from the studio apartment I rent with my fiance. We are 5 months pregnant with a baby boy and are currently re-decorating the apartment to look more sleek and elegant. I am a senior in the multimedia design program with a minor in business administration. I am not at all sure what I want to do after graduation, but currently I am working for the University as a web student in Millennium Hall and hope to be offered a full-time position there if it remains available.

My interests include sleeping (I know that's sad but it's so true) and spending time with my fiance. We try to do different things all the time to keep life interesting. This weekend we hope to visit the Como Zoo to visit the wintery animals. I love everything about movies and film and I would love to work for Disney Animation Studios or Pixar Animation Studios some day. I took this drawing class because despite what many believe about computer graphics and animation, it involves a lot of planning and that includes sketching out your ideas and story-boarding your narratives. Without those drawing skills, it is impossible to communicate your ideas to clients and other artists effectively.